Friday, January 4, 2013

Charles Luciano and son

Personal life and son.

In 1929, Luciano met Gay Orlova, a featured dancer in one of Broadway's leading nightclubs, Hollywood. They were inseparable, but never married up until he went to prison.
In early 1948, Luciano met Igea Lissoni, an Italian nightclub dancer 20 years his junior, whom he later described as the love of his life. In the summer, Lissoni moved in with him. Although some reports said the couple married in 1948, they where married by the priest in Naples. Luciano and Lissoni lived together in Luciano's house in Naples. Although Luciano adored Lissoni, during 1948 lissoni gave birth to a son, named  Francesco Lazaro Luciano. Francesco was raised with Igea's family in Naples till about when he turn 16-17 years of age.  In 1959, Lissoni died of breast cancer. Francesco was very young when he lost both of his parents. Francesco had a plan to come to America  so the best way to come with papers at that time was coming through Cuba during the 80s. Francesco  is believed to have came through Cuba and changed his name to by pass Cuban dictatorship, coming into the United States as a Cuban refugee. Living in Miami for a few years then moving to New York. 
Francesco Luciano was involved in a few organized political organizations for the democratic party and republican parties. He was also known to be working with the governor of Illinois MR. George Homer Ryan, Sr. and was said he was the one behind the CDL and license scandal.  Francesco also owned a few restaurants in the Chicago valley. He had a family and married a woman named Evangelina Castano, a roman Italian native. They had one boy. Evagelina had 5 other kids but not by Francesco.  
Francesco Luciano then changed his name after there family was no longer in power in Chicago. Mr. Luciano is believed to go by his middle name that is Lazaro. This family is believed to have moved to Utah. This seems to be the place a lot of people that where or are involved with the mob seem to move or live to retire. Francesco was always a happy man it was said he never was a in your face kind of guy, that's because he didn't need to be.

Charles, Igea, Francesco and his son, Francesco's wife Evagelina Castano

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